Shop assistant: Those shouldn't be stacked on the trolley like that.
I'm making my way to the till with 4 sleepers from the gardening section of our small local B&Q. I stacked them upright in the boards bit of the trolley. I spose they should've been lying flat. They haven't moved though. I'm being slow & careful.
Do you want me to stack them for you?
It's not far to the till. The shop's really quiet...
I'm fine.
They shouldn't be like that.
It's OK, they haven't moved.
I head for the till & take my place in the queue. After a couple of minutes, he's back.
I can stack them for you...
I'm here now; it's fine.
But they shouldn't be like that. Shall I stack them?
It won't take long.
It won't take long.
I really don't mind.
& so he starts to rearrange the trolley. After he's moved 1 sleeper & is just starting on the 2nd, it's my turn at the till. I need to move the trolley, but he's got an armful of sleeper...
We're on.
I start to pull the trolley toward the till. He staggers forward with the sleeper & dumps it back on the trolley. I have to brace against it to stop it rolling into my shins.
There's another problem - the sleepers don't have a barcode. A member of staff is required to go get it. Our man volunteers, but not until he's finished stacking the remaining 2 sleepers.
So I wait. The tillfolk serve the other customers. & I wait. & I wait.
Eventually, he's back.
Can you believe it?! The manager told me off! For helping you!?! He said "She said she was fine". But it's health & safety!
His feelings are hurt. He's confused. He's looking to me & the till lady for sympathy...
Even more eventually he hands over the code. I finally pay for the sleepers.
Do you want a hand with those to the car.
No, I'm fine.
But it's a bit bumpy out there.
I'm fine.
But it can be quite dangerous & the trolley can run away....
No thank you, I'm fine.
He goes away. Finally.
Back at the trolley, I check my receipt. They've only charged me for 3 sleepers. I've got 4. I toss the moral coin in my mind, but I already know I'll go back & pay for it. I approach the lady at the till & explain. She thanks me for my honesty. While we wait for the card machine to do its thing, I feel the need to say:
I'm a big girl. I can lift stuff. I will be OK.
She said: I used to lift stuff all the time in here, but since I've been back from maternity leave, they keep me on the till.
It depresses me that some folk still think that women can't lift anything heavier than a shopping bag. Maybe it's a generational thing - my 'assistant' was 60 if he was a day. Maybe he thought he was being gallant. But, if he wants to take the health & safety line, I'd wager his back was more at risk than mine.
Besides, who the hell does he think is going to be lugging these sleepers around the garden all afternoon...?